Piano Sheets > Leon Russell Sheet Music > Masquerade (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

Masquerade (ver. 1) by Leon Russell - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
   Other avaliable versions of this music sheet: Version 1  Version 2  
Music sheets - what is all about? Back in the 19th century, songs in the United States were popularized by musicians through music sheets. It was only in the 1950s when musicians started to bring music sheets to bands so they could play, allowing more people to hear their compositions. Simply, a music sheet is musical composition in printed form. It is composed of unbound sheets of paper where a musical notation of a song is printed. Many associate it with popular music. However, musicians say popular songs are not the only ones written down on paper. Many classical songs were published in music sheets and classical musicians performed even unfamiliar songs with these printed compositions.  (More...)    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Leon Russell (born Claude Russell Bridges on April 2, 1942 in Lawton, Oklahoma, United States) is an American singer-songwriter, pianist, and guitarist. Russell attended Will Rogers High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. and began his musical career as a session musician, quickly gaining experience and becoming a high-end keyboardist in demand to notable artists from the 1960s to the present. By the late 1960s, Russell branched out, first to writing songs, and then working his way from gigs as a sideman to joining bands as a full member. Eventually, he moved into a solo recording position, although he never gave up all his previous roles within the music industry.
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Music sheets - what is all about? Back in the 19th century, songs in the United States were popularized by musicians through music sheets. It was only in the 1950s when musicians started to bring music sheets to bands so they could play, allowing more people to hear their compositions. Simply, a music sheet is musical composition in printed form. It is composed of unbound sheets of paper where a musical notation of a song is printed. Many associate it with popular music. However, musicians say popular songs are not the only ones written down on paper. Many classical songs were published in music sheets and classical musicians performed even unfamiliar songs with these printed compositions.  (More...)