Piano Sheets > Yanni Sheet Music > Nostalgia (ver. 2) Piano Sheet

Nostalgia (ver. 2) by Yanni - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
   Other avaliable versions of this music sheet: Version 2  Version 3  
How to search for the best free sheet music on the internet If you would love to learn how to play the piano but do not have the funds to afford expensive lessons then sheet music can help you. There are plenty of websites online, which provide you with free sheet music. You can play classic compositions using such sheet music free piano. Different styles You can search online to find free sheet music for piano. There are sites, which provide many different kinds of genres of music and the piano notes for such compositions. Whether it is rock and roll, pop, rhythm and blues, classics or some other genre, you are sure to find the appropriate musical notes for these compositions.  (More...)    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Yanni (born Yiannis Hrysomallis (Greek: G?????? ???s??????; classical transcription Giannis Chrysomallis)); on November 14; 1954 in Kalamata; Greece) is a self-taught pianist; keyboardist; and composer. Yanni left his homeland at the age of 18 to attend the University of Minnesota.After receiving a B.A. in psychology; he would instead seek a life in music though he had no formal training and could not read a note. After playing keyboards in local rock bands such as Chameleon; he moved to California in pursuit of movie soundtrack work.In 1987; he put together a small band which included long-time bandmate Charlie Adams; and John Tesh; and began touring to promote his earliest instrumental albums; Keys to Imagination.
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How to search for the best free sheet music on the internet If you would love to learn how to play the piano but do not have the funds to afford expensive lessons then sheet music can help you. There are plenty of websites online, which provide you with free sheet music. You can play classic compositions using such sheet music free piano. Different styles You can search online to find free sheet music for piano. There are sites, which provide many different kinds of genres of music and the piano notes for such compositions. Whether it is rock and roll, pop, rhythm and blues, classics or some other genre, you are sure to find the appropriate musical notes for these compositions.  (More...)