Piano Sheets > Richard Clayderman Sheet Music > Ballade Pour Adeline (ver. 2) Piano Sheet

Ballade Pour Adeline (ver. 2) by Richard Clayderman - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
   Other avaliable versions of this music sheet: Version 1  Version 2  Version 3  Version 6  Version 7  
Ballade pour Adeline is a 1976 instrumental composed by Paul de Senneville and played by Richard Clayderman. Paul de Senneville composed the piece as a tribute to his newborn daughter, Adeline. This ballade was also played as the theme piece of one of the old shows of the Philippines on GMA Network in the 1983 to 1996, "Lovingly Yours, Helen" hosted by the late Helen Vela. The French trumpeter Jean-Claude Borelly recorded his version in the early 80's which used the same instrumental backing track as the original recording. Richard Clayderman performed a duet of the track with guitarist Francis Goya in 1999, and was released on their studio album, 'Together'. Again this recording used the original backing track. A new version of this piece was released on the Richard Clayderman studio album 'A Thousand Winds' in 2007 to celebrate 30 years since the original release of 'Ballade Pour.    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Richard Clayderman (born Philippe Pages on December 28, 1953, Paris) is a French pianist who has released numerous albums including the original compositions by Paul de Senneville and Olivier Toussaint, and instrumental renditions of popular music, rearrangements of movie sound tracks, ethnic music, and easy-listening arrangements of most popular works of classical music.His father who was a piano teacher began teaching the piano to him at a very young age. It is said that, at the age of six, he could read music more adeptly than his native language. At the age of twelve, he was accepted at the Conservatoire of Music where, at sixteen, he won first prize of the piano. He was predicted a promising career as a classical pianist. Ballade pour Adeline is a 1976 instrumental composed by Paul de Senneville and played by Richard Clayderman. Paul de Senneville composed the piece as a tribute to his newborn daughter, Adeline. This ballade was also played as the theme piece of one of the old shows of the Philippines on GMA Network in the 1983 to 1996, "Lovingly Yours, Helen" hosted by the late Helen Vela. The French trumpeter Jean-Claude Borelly recorded his.
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