Piano Sheets > Chuck Berry Sheet Music > You Never Can Tell (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

You Never Can Tell (ver. 1) by Chuck Berry - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
   Other avaliable versions of this music sheet: Version 1  Version 2  
"You Never Can Tell" is a rock song by Chuck Berry. It was composed while he was in prison for intent to commit a sex crime. The song was originally released in 1964 on the album St. Louis to Liverpool. The song reached number 14 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and reached 23rd on the UK music chart. Originally performed and released by Chuck Berry, the song has also been covered by Status Quo, Roch Voisine, Emmylou Harris, Bob Seger, Chely Wright and John Prine. Charles Edward Anderson -Chuck- Berry (born October 18; 1926 in St. Louis; Missouri) is an American guitarist; singer and songwriter.Chuck Berry is an influential figure and one of the pioneers of rock and roll music. According to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-s website; -While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll; Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces.    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Charles Edward Anderson -Chuck- Berry (born October 18; 1926 in St. Louis; Missouri) is an American guitarist; singer and songwriter.Chuck Berry is an influential figure and one of the pioneers of rock and roll music. According to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-s website; -While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll; Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces together.- Cub Koda wrote; -Of all the early breakthrough rock & roll artists; none is more important to the development of the music than Chuck Berry. He is its greatest songwriter; the main shaper of its instrumental voice; one of its greatest guitarists; and one of its greatest performers.- John Lennon was more succinct: -If you tried to give rock and roll another name. "You Never Can Tell" is a rock song by Chuck Berry. It was composed while he was in prison for intent to commit a sex crime. The song was originally released in 1964 on the album St. Louis to Liverpool. The song reached number 14 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and reached 23rd on the UK music chart. Originally performed and released by Chuck Berry, the.
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