Piano Sheets > Jose Feliciano Sheet Music > Affirmation (ver. 2) Piano Sheet

Affirmation (ver. 2) by Jose Feliciano - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
   Other avaliable versions of this music sheet: Version 1  Version 2  
Getting access to free sheet music for Christmas Christmas is one time when everyone wants to learn how to play the piano. There are so many Christmas carols, hymns and other compositions played. In such a situation, you will find it useful to get free sheet music especially with the Christmas compositions in them. New age and classical One of the best advantages about free sheet music is that you can get both classic as well as New Age Christmas musical notes. That means you will be able to play the old time classical compositions, carols etc. and the new artists compositions. The New Age Christmas musical notes are very poignant and lovely and playing these piano notes is sure to stir hearts. One of the drawbacks about New Age Christmas music sheets is that they are very difficult to access. Most New Age albums do not sell too well and hence the demand for these is lesser. In this context, getting access  (More...)    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
José Montserrate Feliciano García (born September 8, 1945) is a Puerto Rican singer, virtuoso guitarist and composer, known for many international hits. He was born permanently blind owing to congenital glaucoma. Feliciano was born in Lares, Puerto Rico, one of eleven children. He was first exposed to music at age three. At five, his family moved to Spanish Harlem, New York City and, at age nine, he played on the Teatro Puerto Rico. He started his musical life playing accordion until his grandfather gave him a guitar. He reportedly sat by himself in his room for up to 14 hours a day to listen to 1950s rock albums, classical guitarists such as Andrés Segovia, and jazz players such as Wes Montgomery. He later had classical lessons with Harold Morris who earlier had been a student with Segovia. At 17, he quit school to play in clubs, having his first professional, contracted performance in Detroit.
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Getting access to free sheet music for Christmas Christmas is one time when everyone wants to learn how to play the piano. There are so many Christmas carols, hymns and other compositions played. In such a situation, you will find it useful to get free sheet music especially with the Christmas compositions in them. New age and classical One of the best advantages about free sheet music is that you can get both classic as well as New Age Christmas musical notes. That means you will be able to play the old time classical compositions, carols etc. and the new artists compositions. The New Age Christmas musical notes are very poignant and lovely and playing these piano notes is sure to stir hearts. One of the drawbacks about New Age Christmas music sheets is that they are very difficult to access. Most New Age albums do not sell too well and hence the demand for these is lesser. In this context, getting access  (More...)