Piano Sheets > Antonio Carlos Jobim Sheet Music > Chega de Saudade (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

Chega de Saudade (ver. 1) by Antonio Carlos Jobim - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
"Chega de Saudade" (often translated to English as "No More Blues") is considered the first Bossa nova song. Composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim (music) and Vinícius de Moraes (lyrics) it became popular in the interpretation by João Gilberto (). It was first recorded by Elizete Cardoso on her album Canção do Amor Demais but the public did not take notice of that release, and Gilberto's own recording, shortly afterwards as a single, made it a hit. The title can be translated roughly as "enough longing", though the Portuguese word saudade carries with it a far more complex meaning. The word implies an intensity of heartfelt connection that is yearned for passionately; not unlike feeling withdrawal symptoms from a drug that makes one feel good. Another good analogy might be an intense homesickness. Chega, in this case, means no more, enough. It has been recorded by jazz and rock.    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Antonio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim (January 25; 1927 in Rio de Janeiro December 8; 1994 in New York City); also known as Tom Jobim; was a Grammy Award-winning Brazilian songwriter; composer; arranger; singer; and pianist guitarist. A primary force behind the creation of the bossa nova style; Jobim is acknowledged as one of the most influential popular composers of the 20th century.His songs have been performed by many singers and instrumentalists within Brazil and internationally.Jobims musical roots were planted firmly in the work of Pixinguinha; the legendary musician and composer who began modern Brazilian music in the 1930s. "Chega de Saudade" (often translated to English as "No More Blues") is considered the first Bossa nova song. Composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim (music) and Vinícius de Moraes (lyrics) it became popular in the interpretation by João Gilberto (). It was first recorded by Elizete Cardoso on her album Canção do Amor Demais but the public did not take notice of that release, and Gilberto's own recording, shortly afterwards as a single, made it a hit. The title can be translated roughly as "enough longing", though.
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