Piano Sheets > Johann Holzer Sheet Music > Austrian National Anthem (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

Austrian National Anthem (ver. 1) by Johann Holzer - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
Land der Berge, Land am Strome (Land of the mountains, land on the river) is the national anthem of Austria. Nineteen days before his death on December 5, 1791, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his last complete work, the Freimaurerkantate, K. 623. In parts of the printed edition of this cantata there appeared the song K. 623a "Lasst uns mit geschlungnen Händen" (Let us with joined hands). To this melody the Austrian national anthem is sung. Today, Mozart's authorship is regarded as dubious and the song is attributed to Johann Holzer (1753–1818). The lyrics were written by the writer Paula von Preradović. On October 22, 1946, it was declared Austria's official national anthem.    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
How to read sheet music  How to read sheet music Reading piano sheet music is no simple thing. For it first we require to know the individual elements of the composition itself in order to read sheet music. You must make sure that you are familiar with that particular composition's language before you tackle the entire piece. In order to grasp the intent and nuances of the piece quickly for reading piano sheet music following steps are to be considered:- 1> To start with have a look over entire composition to get the feel of the length and style of the sheet music. This first run through is just to have a quick overview of the composer's work. This will slowly prepare you to read the sheet music.  (More...)
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How to read sheet music  How to read sheet music Reading piano sheet music is no simple thing. For it first we require to know the individual elements of the composition itself in order to read sheet music. You must make sure that you are familiar with that particular composition's language before you tackle the entire piece. In order to grasp the intent and nuances of the piece quickly for reading piano sheet music following steps are to be considered:- 1> To start with have a look over entire composition to get the feel of the length and style of the sheet music. This first run through is just to have a quick overview of the composer's work. This will slowly prepare you to read the sheet music.  (More...)