Piano Sheets > Louis Armstrong Sheet Music > A Lot Of Livin' To Do (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

A Lot Of Livin' To Do (ver. 1) by Louis Armstrong - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
How to enhance sight-reading for piano sheet music If you want to learn how to play, the piano in a live performance impromptu then you need to improve your sight-reading of sheet music. Chances are you will have to play music notes, which are unfamiliar. Picking it at random One of the best ways to enhance your sight-reading of piano notes is to pick any book randomly and start playing. Ideally, you want to start playing these musical notes from the first page and continue until you reach the very end. The trick is to be stern with yourself and not stop playing until you reach the last page of the sheet music.  (More...)    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Louis Armstrong (4 August 1901 July 6; 1971); nicknamed Satchmo or Sachimo and Pops; was an American jazz trumpeter and singer.Coming to prominence in the 20s as an innovative cornet and trumpet virtuoso; Armstrong was a foundational influence on jazz; shifting the music-s focus from collective improvisation to solo performers. With his distinctive gravelly voice; Armstrong was an influential singer; demonstrating great dexterity as an improviser; bending the lyrics and melody of a song for expressive purposes. He was also greatly skilled at scat singing; or wordless vocalizing.
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How to enhance sight-reading for piano sheet music If you want to learn how to play, the piano in a live performance impromptu then you need to improve your sight-reading of sheet music. Chances are you will have to play music notes, which are unfamiliar. Picking it at random One of the best ways to enhance your sight-reading of piano notes is to pick any book randomly and start playing. Ideally, you want to start playing these musical notes from the first page and continue until you reach the very end. The trick is to be stern with yourself and not stop playing until you reach the last page of the sheet music.  (More...)