Piano Sheets > Pietro Garinei Sheet Music > Arrivederci Roma (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

Arrivederci Roma (ver. 1) by Pietro Garinei - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
"Arrivederci Roma" is a popular song. Arrivederci is the Italian equivalent of the French Au revoir or the German Aufwiedersehen, it means "goodbye" or, literally, "until (we) see (each other) again". The music was written by Renato Rascel, the original Italian lyrics by Pietro Garinei and Sandro Giovannini, with English lyrics by Carl Sigman. The song was published in 1955. The song was introduced in the movie Seven Hills of Rome. A new set of lyrics were written to the same melody, by Jack Fishman, under the title "Arrivederci Darling," and recorded by United Kingdom singers Anne Shelton (4 weeks on the UK chart, December 17, 1955, - January 7, 1956, peaking at #17) and Edna Savage (1 week on the UK chart, January 14, 1956, at #19), as well as by others.    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
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