Piano Sheets > Ozzy Osbourne Sheet Music > Changes (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

Changes (ver. 1) by Ozzy Osbourne - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
How to enhance sight-reading for piano sheet music If you want to learn how to play, the piano in a live performance impromptu then you need to improve your sight-reading of sheet music. Chances are you will have to play music notes, which are unfamiliar. Picking it at random One of the best ways to enhance your sight-reading of piano notes is to pick any book randomly and start playing. Ideally, you want to start playing these musical notes from the first page and continue until you reach the very end. The trick is to be stern with yourself and not stop playing until you reach the last page of the sheet music.  (More...)    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
John Michael Ozzy Osbourne (born December 3; 1948) is the lead vocalist of the pioneering English heavy metal band Black Sabbath; a multi-platinum; award-winning successful solo artist and the star of the reality show; The Osbournes. Considered by many to be the Godfather of Heavy Metal; Ozzy has enjoyed a career that has now spanned four decades.Osbourne experienced tremors for some years and linked them to his continuous drug abuse. In May 2005 he found out it was actually Parkin Syndrome; a genetic condition; the symptoms of which are very similar to Parkinsons disease. Osbourne will have to take daily medication for the rest of his life to combat the involuntary shudders associated with the condition. Osbourne has shown symptoms of a mild hearing loss; as evidenced in the television show; The Osbournes; as he often asks his family members to repeat what they say.
Random article
How to enhance sight-reading for piano sheet music If you want to learn how to play, the piano in a live performance impromptu then you need to improve your sight-reading of sheet music. Chances are you will have to play music notes, which are unfamiliar. Picking it at random One of the best ways to enhance your sight-reading of piano notes is to pick any book randomly and start playing. Ideally, you want to start playing these musical notes from the first page and continue until you reach the very end. The trick is to be stern with yourself and not stop playing until you reach the last page of the sheet music.  (More...)