Piano Sheets > Nobuo Uematsu Sheet Music > Successor - The (ver. 1) Piano Sheet

Successor - The (ver. 1) by Nobuo Uematsu - Piano Sheets and Free Sheet Music

About the Song
Piano notes and music reading No language is easy to learn except for our mother tongue. Mother tongue is a language which we start learning as soon as we are conceived. But learning some other language can be difficult if you are really not into it. Piano Notes are written in a completely different language. Agreed that the characters in the piano notes are very artistic and beautiful but they are equally strange to beginners and newcomers. But here is one interesting fact. Learning music reading from a piano notes music sheet is not a very difficult task. Actually it is much easier than learning a foreign Asian language like Chinese. Memorization and repetition are the two main ingredients for success in mastering the language of piano notes. So realistically speaking, once you are done reading the basics, all you have to do is practice the language as much as you can. To say in a very classical tone, practice till each and every note starts running through your veins. (More...)    Download this sheet!
About the Artist
Nobuo Uematsu (植松伸夫, Uematsu Nobuo?, born March 21, 1959) is a Japanese video game composer and musician, best known for scoring the majority of titles in the Final Fantasy series. He is regarded as one of the most famous and respected composers in the Japanese video game community. Uematsu is a self-taught musician; he began to play the piano at the age of eleven or twelve, with Elton John as his biggest influence. Uematsu joined Square (later Square Enix) in 1985, where he met Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. They have worked together on numerous titles, most notably the games in the Final Fantasy series. After nearly 20 years in the company, he left Square Enix in 2004 and founded his own company called Smile Please, as well as the music production company Dog Ear Records. He has since composed music as a freelancer for video games primarily developed by Square Enix and Sakaguchi's development studio Mistwalker. A handful of soundtracks and arranged albums of Uematsu's game scores have been released. Pieces from his video game works have been performed in concerts worldwide, and numerous Final Fantasy concerts have also been held. He has worked with Grammy Award-winning conductor Arnie Roth on several of these concerts. In 2002, he formed a rock band with colleagues Kenichiro Fukui and Tsuyoshi Sekito called The Black Mages; Uematsu plays the keyboard. The band plays arranged rock versions of Uematsu's Final Fantasy compositions.
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Piano notes and music reading No language is easy to learn except for our mother tongue. Mother tongue is a language which we start learning as soon as we are conceived. But learning some other language can be difficult if you are really not into it. Piano Notes are written in a completely different language. Agreed that the characters in the piano notes are very artistic and beautiful but they are equally strange to beginners and newcomers. But here is one interesting fact. Learning music reading from a piano notes music sheet is not a very difficult task. Actually it is much easier than learning a foreign Asian language like Chinese. Memorization and repetition are the two main ingredients for success in mastering the language of piano notes. So realistically speaking, once you are done reading the basics, all you have to do is practice the language as much as you can. To say in a very classical tone, practice till each and every note starts running through your veins. (More...)